Friday, February 24, 2017

Greece: Social Kitchen - the Other Person

Athens, Greece - Konstantinos Polychronopoulos, 51 years old, is the founder of "Social Kitchen - the Other Person", a communal movement with a main goal of providing free food for all in need.
For 25 years, Polychronopoulos worked as a marketing and communications specialist. But in September 2009, he lost his job. Failing to find work for over two years, he was forced to move back into his mother's house. His mother was receiving $660 pension a month, of which she paid $341 towards rent, and the two struggled daily. 
In December 2011, he was shocked by an incident at the local flea market involving two children fighting over discarded, spoiled food and the apathy of the passers-by. 
Konstantinos Polychronopoulos - founder of Social Kitchen - The Other Person - delivered 500 food rations at the temporary refugee camp in the Pedion tou Areos [Dimitris Sideris / Al Jazeera]
The very next day, he prepared sandwiches and handed them out to poor people scavenging for food... [continue to read]

Credits: Dimitris Sideris

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